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Why my voice matters


My voice matters because everyone's does. On this website I talked about fitness and the common myths in the fitness industry. I believe my voice matters because unlike a lot of content creators today, I like to think from both sides. Like my discussions on pre-workout, most influencers would just tell you that you should be taking it then promote their own brand to make money. Of course, I added in my discount code to RYSE, but I also talked about how you may not need it. Everyone has different genetics and react to different compounds differently, so the idea of forcing a product on someone is not right. Especially with the numbers of kids having heart issues arising from taking a lot of caffeine. The majority of these kids do have underlying heart issues which is why the immense amount of caffeine will affect them like that and put them in the hospital. This is why it is important to take both sides. Personally, I love pre-workout, I cannot go a day in the gym without it. But for some people, they need to get checked out by a doctor, which is exactly what I did to know I am safe taking pre-workout. So, my voice matters because I do not want to be one sided, I want to know everyone's point of view on things and share my knowledge to help others improve their lifestyle and own experiences in the gym. We all want to keep improving in fitness, and I want to help everyone I can get to where they want to be.

I also will always be upfront and honest with my posts with products I have personally tried and loved, but I will always be up for discussion so if anyone feels the want or need to comment back, I will respond and would love to have a conversation with them about it, especially becasue the fitness industry is still full of a lot of questions.

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