Just like most of my topics that I write about, the answer to this is very simple, NO, the gym is not fat phobic. Let me put it this way, life is fat phobic. It is fat phobic in the way that you'll never see someone who is morbidly obese live past 80. Now this is a very controversial topic in the fitness industry. It is very touchy and if you are "triggered" by me saying this then I recommend that you click of this post right now.
Now let's be honest, the gym is a tool. It is a tool that if used correctly it can help transform your life. A lot of people realized this in the past couple years with the whole pandemic, including myself, and found the benefits. I am no longer mad every second of every day over things I cannot control, my stress and anxiety levels have gone down substantially due to treating the gym like my form of therapy. Overall, I am living a better lifestyle with the gym in my life. A lot of people need to try it out, and I guarantee the people that call the gym "fat phobic" can count on one hand the number of times they've been to the gym or even touched a weight.
(I am open to conversation if anyone disagrees in the comments, I will always accept other people's opinions and I am open to talk about it)